We will of course, also ask you for any details of any health needs and would ask you to remember to let us know of any changes in your child’s health, so we are always kept up to date.
We recommend at least three settling in visits before you leave your baby/toddler with us and will go through everything you need to know. If we feel that this is not enough, we will let you know and are happy to offer further settling in sessions . Once you have started,
it is a good idea to let us have anything that you use to comfort your child and you are of course very welcome to call us to see how he/she is settling. We would always contact you if we could not settle your child, or if we felt they may be unwell.
For children over two, again we recommend at least three settling in sessions, but are happy to extend this if we feel that this would be beneficial.
Please remember to let us know of any changes in your child’s health, e.g. allergies, so that we are always up to date. For children with a known condition we will discuss a health plan with you.
We have a duty to reduce the spread of infection, so if your child is unwell, you should keep them home until they are better, apart from the most minor colds. We can administer medicines, but they must be prescribed for a current condition by a doctor, dentist or pharmacist. In the case of antibiotics the child should have been on them for at least 48 hours before returning to nursery. If your child has been sick or had diarrhoea, you must stay home until 48 hours after the last episode. Conjunctivitis (sticky eyes) is also very contagious, please stay home until the eye/s are no longer sticky and appropriate medication has worked.
If your child has a fever, please stay home even if you have given liquid paracetamol etc such as Calpol which has temporarily reduced the temperature, as the underlying reason for the fever will still be there.
Please also remember we must know of any change in your contact details or anyone else’s that you have named as an emergency contact, e.g. change of mobile ‘phone number, change of address.